Austria's most fascinating natural wonder

Opened from 21th April to 14th October 2018! Online reservation
This unique cave world with 200 million years old geological history, boasts with 800 metres long underground adventure park with living dripstons, that are a rarity in Europe, and explicit traces of miners, who had once worked here.
During the guided tour you will pass several stations where multimedia light-, sound- and video installations highlight the spectacle of nature. On your journey through the natural caves that vary in size, you will be able to gaze at:
Visitors enter the Obir dripstone caves through the 240 metres long Wilhelm tunnel . You will get first impressions of the hard working life of miners, see original tools and machines and of course the St. Barbara.
The constant temperature of + 8 ° C and high humidity in the caves are ideal conditions to ripen our Schmankalan – local delicacies. The latter you can receive in the building at the entrance of the cave and at the cave office on the main square of Bad Eisenkappel.
Here the discovery of the caves is shown in a short film.
In this cave room visitors get to see the first dripstones and learn more about the origins of stalagmites, stalactites and flowstone draperies.
The path then leads us further to the Long cave. Past the dripstones you will reach the so-called Organs. The lowest point of the Obir dripstone caves marks a masterpiece by Johann Sebastian Bach – “Toccata und Fuge d-moll”. This cave room was named after a dripstone formation, which strongly resembles the shape of the organ. On request, we can play (for groups only) folk or modern music – a real pleasure and wonderful acoustics!
Via the steps you then come into the Long cave. There you will find a symbol of the Obir dripstone caves: the pagoda-shaped stalagmite. This symbol was also used as a motif for a postage stamp (1991).
With the world’s first HDTV-projection in a cave, here you will get deeper impressions about one of the most beautiful cave systems in Europe. Among other things, you will be able to admire unique pictures of the cave discovery as well as the ones of undeveloped areas.
Here you will learn more about the karst caves located in the massif of Hochobir and about the natural cave formations. Furthermore, you will learn the secret of the so-called Kluftspione, cave spies.
Last but not least, at the end of the journey through the Obir caves, you will be able to admire the excentriques, calcite crystals and the beautiful Sintersee (underground lake).