Austria's most fascinating natural wonder

Opened from 21th April to 14th October 2018! Online reservation
The Obir dripstone cave team will ensure your day will be as pleasant and memorable as possible. From arrival to departure time, from booking until completion of the tour. When visiting souvenir shops and visiting hospice.
Each of us will contribute its share to make your trip unforgettable.
If we left a good impression, we welcome any comments and reviews, either through Facebook, TripAdvisor or questionnaire, which can be found in the building. We will also be grateful if you trust us with your wishes, suggestions or complaints. Everything will be taken seriously, because it is our desire that you are as satisfied with us as possible.
Meine Aufgaben: Verbindungsglied zwischen laufendem Betrieb und Marktgemeinde Eisenkappel-Vellach als Eigentümerin
Mein besonderer Tipp: Ein Besuch der Galerie "Vorspann" am Hauptplatz oder des Persmannhofs lohnen sich auf jeden Fall!
T +43 650/8702 000, F +43 4238 8239-10,